The Tree of Life is a bold symbol for the evolution of the human soul. This is represented by roots that are planted into the Earth. These roots provide nutrients for the tree to live and thrive. All of life, including human life, needs this rootedness into the great Mother earth. As we are deeply grounded, we inevitably grow our branches stronger and higher towards the sky. This process of growing is natural, yet it takes time and courage to weather the storms of life. Each soul contains the divine abilities to adapt to the given environment in order for all of life to flourish on this auspicious planet.

Traditions of The Tree of Life

The Mayans. According to the Mesoamerican culture of the Mayan peoples, Earth contains a mystical mountain on which Heaven was hidden. A World Tree connected Heaven, Earth and the Underworld and grew at the point of creation. Everything flowed out from that spot in four directions (North, South, East & West). On the Mayan Tree of Life there is a cross in the center which is the source of all creation.

Judeo-Christian. According to the book of Genesis, eating the fruit from the Tree of Life would have granted Adam and Eve eternal life. They sinned by taking a bite of the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, thus they were cast out of paradise and shunned from The Tree of Life. In the book of Revelation, Jesus promises the Tree of Life to those who triumph over the tribulations of the Last Days.

Ancient Celtic Druids. Ancient Celtic Druids believed that the Tree of Life contained special powers. They established pieces of land for settlement purposes, and a single tree would be standing in the center of the area, which became known as the Tree of Life. This sacred tree provided food, warmth and shelter to the people and was also an important meeting place for high-ranking members of the tribe.

Islam. The Tree of Immortality is mentioned in the Quran and differs from the Biblical account. The differences lie in the fact that only one tree is mentioned in Eden, and that tree was forbidden to Adam and Eve by Allah. The Hadith mention other trees in heaven and while the tree symbol plays a fairly minor role in the Quran, it became an important symbol in Muslim art and architecture and is also one of the most developed symbols in Islam. In the Quran, there are a trio of supernatural trees: The Infernal Tree (Zaquum) in Hell, The Lote Tree (Sidrat al-Muntaha) of the Uttermost Boundary and the Tree of Knowledge which is in the Garden of Eden. In the Hadith, the different trees are combined into one symbol.”

Taoism. In the Taoist tradition, there is a story born from Chinese Mythology that describes a magical peach tree which produces just one peach every 3,000 years. If one happens to eat this fruit, the individual becomes immortal. There is a dragon at the base of this Tree of Life and a phoenix on top.

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